Rider Physiotherapy
Emma is a fully qualified Chartered Physiotherapist with 7 years specialist experience within Musculoskeletal injury and rehabilitation. See below for a list of conditions treated.
Not in any pain but notice you are "wonky" when riding? Or struggling more on one rein than the other? A physiotherapy assessment can identify subtle asymmetries or compensations before they cause any issues for you or your horse.
Human Physiotherapy
Full physical assessment, hands-on treatment, targeted home/gym exercise programme. This can be completed at your home, all equipment is brought to you.
Session Price: £70
including travel
The Complete Package
Session lasts approximately 2.5 hours
A comprehensive ridden biomechanical assessment identifying areas for improvement for your horse when under saddle, while also assessing your riding posture and movement strategies. Specific ridden drills and exercises may be set to improve your and your horse's ridden performance. This is combined with an equine physiotherapy session and also a rider physiotherapy session. It is an all-encompassing package to ensure your team is being optimised from every angle! This is best completed at your yard, although a warmer space for the off-horse assessment and treatment is recommended for comfort!

Session Price: £150
including travel

Ridden Biomechanical Assessment
Ridden posture, symmetry, dynamic stability and effectiveness will be visually assessed, with the aid of slow-motion videos to demonstrate the areas to focus on. The horse's symmetry, balance and quality of movement will also be assessed and any recommendations for further treatment or horse-specific exercises will be given.

Off-Horse Assessment
Riders will be assessed off the horse, to gauge baselines for flexibility, strength, balance and functional ability. This will enable a plan of action to be devised and a "to-do list" to prioritise the areas to be worked on. The aim is to identify the root cause of a problem, rather than just treating the symptoms!

Manual Therapy
Manual therapy such as soft tissue techniques, joint mobilisations, dry needling, kinesio taping and specific muscle activation techniques may be used to reduce pain and stiffness, improve flexibility and provide a "window of opportunity" for the exercises to be most effective.

Exercise Prescription
Specific strengthening and flexibility exercises will be taught and practised to help you get the most carry-over between sessions. This may include on-horse drills to help you correct your posture and activate particular muscles.
Conditions Treated

Neck pain
Lower back pain
Hip tendinopathy
Ankle Strains and sprains
Hip bursitis
Plantar fasciitis
Hip and Knee Arthritis
Postural Pain
Tennis elbow and Golfers Elbow
Patellofemoral (kneecap) pain
Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Pain
Achilles tendinopathy/ rupture/ strain
Costochondritis/ rib pain
Calf or hamstring muscle strains
Shin splints
Shoulder bursitis
Dizziness and Vertigo
Arm nerve pain/ pins and needles
Carpal tunnel syndrome